Degrees, Teaching, and Dissertations, Oh My!

Once again, it’s basically been a year since I updated this blog…maybe it’ll become a recurring theme? If anyone’s even reading this anymore, let’s get into degrees, teaching, and dissertations!

  1. Degrees: I passed my candidacy exam in September and received my beautiful MA degree. Who knows where I’ll put the oddly-sized thing, but hey, at least I have one now.

2. For the first time since I started grad school, I’m not teaching French. Instead, I’m teaching an FWS (freshman writing seminar), and it’s been a strange but welcome adjustment. I got to design my own class and syllabus, and to no one’s surprise, my class is very feminist: Female Friendship vs. Patriarchy.

3. Dissertations: I thought the day would never come, but I finally started writing mine! It’s currently (very) tentatively titled “Fighting Fraternité and Founding Family: Female Friendship in Francophone Africa and Asia.”

And that’s it for now, folx! Nothing else particularly exciting happening in my life. For now, please enjoy this priceless conversation that happened during my class:

My class: *talking about male vs. female friendships*

Student 1: “It’s interesting that vulnerabilities made it onto the board for male friendships”

Student 2: “Yeah, we don’t have that in Australia”

Student 1: “You don’t have men in Australia?”